Why sportsmen wax...
There's more to it than making yourself aerodynamic - sportsmen have some very practical reasons for removing their body hair. Cyclists...
Taps Aff
A cry of 'Taps Aff' could be heard from the heart of the city yesterday and today as the sun made a spring appearance. Now gents, we...
Waxing tips #1
Don't try this at home! We've all seen the damage over plucking your eyebrows can do...or the mess you can make of trying to wax your...
7 things your beautician wants you to know.
Yes waxing isn’t the most relaxing beauty appointment to endure, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be made easier and nor is it...
A new look for Wax HQ...
Thank you for your interest in our website and welcome to the new Wax HQ BLOG where we'll be waxing lyrical about all things beauty....